Saturday, August 25, 2012


Dear Students and Parents,

We survived our first full week back at school.  The students are really working hard to learn all the new classroom procedures and are putting forth a lot of effort to produce second grade work.  These are just a few items I'd like to address. . .


 Monday:           Chinese       Technology
Tuesday:            PE               Library
Wed:                 Chinese        Art
Thurs:                Spanish        Library
Fri:                     Music          Spanish    

I will send home a complete schedule including math/reading/writing/soc. studies/science this week.


Please send in any NOTEBOOKS/FOLDERS requested for the supply list.  All other materials are fine for now.  (We can always use wet wipes, though.  In my classroom and house - they are an essential.)


If you haven't already, please send in the $10 that will be used to purchase two weekly magazines that will be used by the students.  Cash is fine or you may make a check out to Neuse Charter School.  The sooner we collect the money the sooner we will be able to send the order in.  Thank you!


I have been sending home math homework this week.  The students have been great at turning their work in. This will continue next week as we study odd/even numbers as well as the hundred's board.

READING LOGS:  Monday - Friday  
Next week we will begin our READING LOGS.  IT IS VITAL THAT YOUR CHILD READ ORALLY EVERY NIGHT!  Oral reading helps a child grow in fluency and comprehension.  As the profound saying states,    "Practice makes Perfect."  Well, no one is perfect, but if we practice we will be come better.  As soon as I am able, I will be sending home a book or two with your child so that he/she has something specific to read and respond to in their LOG.  For now, your child has free choice.
(Weekend reading is important, but it is also a time to just relax.  Please disregard the "weekend reading response".  I will assume you and your child are enjoying a book just because it is enjoyable and not an assignment.) 

Starting in September your child will have a spelling list with specific directions on how to practice these words throughout the week.  The program is named "WORDS THEIR WAY".  This program tries to meet the students where they are at in their phonetic reasoning.  The program strives to teach the students various English Spelling Norms.  The students will come home on Monday with a spelling notebook and a envelope of word sorts.  The envelop of words will remain at home, but the yellow spelling notebook will return each day with evidence that the spelling assignment was completed.  I will send more information the first week we  begin to help you and your student complete the nightly practice. 

Please feel free to e-mail me with any concerns.  I may not respond that day due to technology limitations at this point, but I will try to get back with you in the evening.  If you need to get in touch with me during the school day, please leave a message with the office.  Thank you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

BACK TO SCHOOL. . .ARE YOU READY? Mark your calenders for August 16th.

Welcome to Our Classroom!

This will be my first year at Neuse Charter School, but not, by any means, my first year in education.  I am excited to meet each student and parent on Open House Night which is on Thursday,October 15th @6:00 PM.  Of course if you decide to pop in on our "Back to School Bash on Friday, August 10th from 3:00-6:00 you might bump into me there.
Please add a few important items to the list.
**One package of EXPO MARKERS**
(Please pre-cut them so they can be easily slipped onto the bottom of both pieces of furniture)
**One pair of headphones placed in a large baggy that is labeled with student's name**
Thanks for all your help.  We will meet soon.
Mrs. Sherri Cabascango