Thursday, July 25, 2013


GREETINGS to my former students and my future students!  I truly hope your summer is going great.  I know many of you have been to camps and have been on swim teams.  Others have traveled a bit.  And then there are those who have just enjoyed down time.  That is what summer is for - memories and family.

My summer has gone well.
Santiago has been participating in the Raleigh Youth Orchestra playing his viola.  He has practiced almost every day (without complaining).  His concert is next week.
Esteban has been sleeping in and is anticipating Mrs. Layton's summer art camp next week. (He also turns 12. . .sniff, sniff. . .)
Cristian has been enjoying his brothers, reading up a storm and playing with neighborhood friends.

Our family just got back from 2.5 weeks in Portland, Oregon.  Portland is where my husband's family resides.  We had many excursions in this beautiful part of the country that has NO HUMIDITY OR BUGS!  That fact was enough to sell me.  We made trips to the Pacific Ocean, Portland Zoo, Evergreen Air Museum (with water park), Portland Women's professional soccer team game at Portland's stadium, and various other outings.  We had a wonderful time, but I am very happy to be back in NC humidity, bugs and all.  This is my home.
(I was thrilled to see my grass growing so well!)

We are visiting the Pacific Ocean.  The two bookends are my niece and nephew who live in Portland.
Santiago looking out at the ocean.
Esteban and I by an inlet where the fishing boats dock.
 All of us together!

I wanted to write a brief blog to let you know some adjustments to my supply list.  They are as follows:
*    NO TISSUES ARE NEEDED!   I have plenty from last year and no room to store more.
*     NO LOOSE LEAF PAPER!     Again, I have plenty from last year.
*     NO HAND SANITIZER!           Same as above.

If you were wondering about the tennis balls. . .  Our rooms have tile that is quite noisy without the tennis balls on the bottom of the chairs.  Having these obnoxious yellow balls really helps everyone's sanity and concentration.    I like to replace the balls every years since the old ones get pretty dirty.  If you are willing and have the time, use an EXACTO blade  knife to cut a cross on the top of the balls.  This will save me time and perhaps my hand.  Then at open house you can "pop" the old ones off and replace them with the bright yellow new ones. Thanks.

Our wonderful art teacher, Mrs. Wilson, has requested we add yarn to our list.  Any color is fine.

Class lists should go out in August.  Presently Mr. Gahagan is finalizing his plan.  You should receive a note in the mail when we know more.

Enjoy the final days of summer.  I am looking forward to seeing my "old" students and also excited to meet my new ones.

Farewell for now!