Monday, November 26, 2012

November 28 - 30


Welcome back to school!  I hope everyone's time off was relaxing.  The next few weeks will be very busy as we celebrate a fun final season of the year.

This week we will read Patricia Polacco's book, The Keeping Quilt.  This is a unique story that looks into the importance of family and of keeping our family's history alive through the generations.   Polacco is from  a Russian immigrant's family that came to the United States a few generations ago.  We will follow a quilt that is passed down generation to generation.  Test will be on Friday.  Make certain that your child reads the book orally on the day he/she brings it home.

This week we will begin a fun new unit on various graphs - bar graphs, line graphs, and pictographs.  Students will be asked to create as well as read in interpret these graphs.  We will review a bit this week as well and have a test on Friday on Clocks, addition with regrouping, as well as money sums.  Please review these concepts with your child if he/she struggles in one or more of these areas.

We will continue our high frequency word lists this week.  Please make certain your child is taking the time to do his/her homework neatly.  This has become a bit of a problem. Thank you.

FINAL WEEK OF WEATHER:  Take home test and weather report on the way!
We will finish up our weather unit this week.  On Wednesday (or Tuesday) the student's will be bringing home his./her notes he/she has taken over the past few weeks.  With these notes the students will complete a take home test.  ALSO, a report is due as well on one of the weather concepts we have studied.  The explanation and requirements of this report and the take home test will both be in the students' blue weather folder.  BE ON THE LOOKOUT!
BOTH DUE Monday December 10th

We will be celebrating the season by studying Germany and decorating gingerbread houses.  I need everyone to pitch in to help with this project.  I will be sending home a note with a request for icing and an item we will need to decorate these edible houses.  Please be watching for this note.  Our decorating will happen on Thursday, December 13th @ 1:45.  Parents are encouraged to come to help their children out with this fun project.

Our in house science field trip will be on Monday, December 17th.  Please send in the $8.50 if you have not already.  This money is due now!

We will have pajama day and watch The Polar Express on Tuesday, December 18th.  We will eat popcorn.  The only thing I need is the movie!  If you have the movie, please let me know!

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