Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 18 - 22

We're Almost There!
Only about 1.5 weeks until Spring Break!  
Since next week is VERY busy with our wax museum on Wednesday and Thursday's half day filled with music, Spanish, and Library, I'd like to have a special snack on Tuesday afternoon (March 26th).  If you would be willing to donate cookies or goody bags for this day, let me know.  I would also like to allow the students to bring in a board game to play in the afternoon.

What's Happening this week:

We are officially finished with Freckle Juice.  I will be sending home the graded test along with the response booklet the students did in class.  I think you will enjoy reading your child's personal opinions concerning the book.  I think we all enjoyed this fun novel.  

This week we will be finishing up MATTER in science so we will focus on a non-fiction science text concerning matter this week.  There will not be a test on Friday. 
We will also be reviewing Common Nouns, Proper Nouns as well as Plural Nouns this week.

Small Groups:
We will have our final non-fiction bag books to take home this week.  You may have noticed that the texts have been getting a bit more difficult.  Encourage your child to read even if you need to "tag team" read.  I have been impressed by the students' ability to focus and fluently read these difficult texts.  
Again this week I will be sending home the text as a take home test.  It is due Friday.

Monday we will finish up our 3rd Quarter math assessment.  I will share the results by the beginning of next week.
Starting Tuesday we will begin to look into measurement.  We will start with the inch/foot and move into investigating the centimeter/meter next week.  The students will need to bring their ruler back and forth to and from school in order to to their nightly homework.

This will be our final week for our Matter Unit.  We will explore a fun experiment that deals with comparing the mass of liquids as well as explore a fun experiment that looks into the behavior of gas in a closed container.  We will end our week with an imaginative writing assignment that asks the students to create a new form of matter.  It should prove to be a potentially messy, but fun week.

Words Their Way

MARCH 27th @ 1:30
Students must:
1.  Memorize Speech to recite multiple times
2.  "Become" the Famous American he/she has researched by dressing up as the character.
3.  Provide a simple poster board to attach to desk that has:
                     a.  The name of the Famous American
                     b.  The Dates this American lived
                     c.  An accurate picture of the Famous American
                     d.  Any special information or pictures that will help educate our visitors about your
                          Famous American

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