Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 13 - 17

I truly one of the highest callings is being a mother.  Many of you know me as a teacher, but the most important (and most difficult) job I have is being a wife and a mother.  I am so thankful I have been given this gift through a wonderful supportive husband and three precious treasures - Esteban Miguel, Santiago Felipe, and Cristian Antonio.  
I wish each of you a blessed Mother's Day.

This week in our room. . .

This week will be spent reviewing for our Summative 2nd Grade Math Exam that will be give next week over a period of 2-3 days.  Please note the homework and discuss the problems with your child so that he/she has a firm grasp on the various math concepts.  There will be homework each evening that will reflect the review we do in class.

THE BOX CAR CHILDREN by  Gertrude Chandler Warner
We will end the year with a chapter book.  This is a simple story that I enjoyed as a little girl and hope the students will as well.  Each chapter will have a set of questions that must be answered in COMPLETE SENTENCES.  The Box Car Children answer packet will be one of the last reading grades for the year.  Please make certain to check over your child's answers to ensure spelling is correct as well as sentence structure.  We plan to read a chapter a day.  Some students will have time to complete the questions in school while others may not depending on the day.  Be watchful for this packet as it comes home each evening.
This week we will complete:
Chapter 1 - Monday
Chapter 2 - Tuesday
Chapter 3 - Wednesday
Chapter 4 - Thursday
Chapter 5 - Friday
Each evening the packet will come home with your child with the exception of Friday.  All of the students will complete the questions in school on this day.

We will have new set of bag books this week.  I highly encourage the students to read his/her chapter book at least 3X during the week.  This will help ensure a solid "S" on the test given on Friday.

Last week for WORDS THEIR WAY.  Make certain your child has studied the words sufficiently!

We have butterflies!  Three have emerged and I expect the other two will arrive this week.
Also, our eggs will be delivered by the Johnston County 4-H center on Tuesday.  We will incubate the eggs until May 31st.  On May 31st they should begin to hatch - we hope.  

We will finish our year learning about goods and services in our community.  

Thank you so much for all of your notes, gifts and food for Teacher's Appreciation Week.  I enjoyed all of the generous gifts.  Thank you again.

Also - the Multicultural Projects were wonderful.  I have stapled them onto the wall in the Elementary Hallway.  Please come to see the great work our classroom has done.

Finally, We are working on the illustrations for our Fairy Tales.  Thank you parents for all the work you put in towards editing.  Great teamwork!

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