Sunday, September 30, 2012



We've finally made it to my favorite month of the year - OCTOBER!    We have a lot going on this month so keep in touch as many dates will be added to our October Calenders.


Monday, October 1st                           Artist Series - Story Teller from Zimbabwe 9:00AM
Saturday, October 6th                          Last day to place orders for Scholastic Book Club
Friday, October 19th                            End of Quarter.  ALREADY!!!

Monday, October 22nd                        NO SCHOOL!  Teacher work day
Friday, October 26th                            Report Cards!


A new word sort will accompany your child home on Monday.  Thanks to Mrs. Cole, we now have a handy "pocket" at the back of our spelling notebooks that can be used to store the word sort bags.
Test on Friday.  NEATNESS COUNTS!
Please review your child's spelling homework each night and sign the spelling notebooks to indicate that you have reviewed his/her work.  This is a great time to correct the spelling errors - especially in the sentences they produce.  Thank you in advance.

This week we will begin looking at addition word problems.  At this point we will keep it simple, but will begin to add more complicated steps as we move forward.  
PLEASE keep in touch with your child's knowledge of simple addition math facts.  We have been focusing on practicing simple addition math facts this first semester, and will then move on to subtraction.  If your child is still relying heavily on his/her fingers to figure out the answers, that is a caution flag that your child needs to spend some time learning these math facts.  The faster/better they know these facts, the more successful they will be in math as the work begins to get a bit more complicated.  I suggest an online game that challenges the student to think and answer quickly.  See the handout I placed in the homework folders.

This week we will read a Realistic Fiction piece entitled, Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat.  This text focuses on team spirit and keeping a positive attitude.
We will also look in to Proper Nouns as well as Contractions.

September has ended and October has begun.  For the most part the majority of the student had almost a full reading log filled in.  I am giving a bit of grace this time as far as rewarding the children who read.  October, though, the ENTIRE LOG must be filled in to receive credit.  
Every 15 minutes is worth an entry.  If your child reads 30 minutes, you may fill in two reading log slots.  The more your child is exposed to literature, the better reader he/she will become.

For the past few weeks we have been focusing on writing personal narratives.  This week I would like to extend this Common Core concept to introduce temporal words into the students' writing pieces.   I will need your help.  On MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st your child will bring home a personal Narrative template that you and your child will need to fill in.  The theme is "my favorite birthday".  Please help your child fill this out and send it in on Tuesday.  We will then transfer the information into a published paragraph.

Final Reminders

Please review/correct tests sent home on Monday.  Sign and return them to school.

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