Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 4-7

Just a few notes about our short week.

Please send in the $10 we will use toward our two magazine subscriptions.  The sooner everyone brings the money in the sooner we will be able to use these amazing subscriptions in our reading block.

Spelling:  Our spelling series "Words Their Way" will begin next week since this week is short.  However, I will be sending home a description of the program and the expectations for the daily homework on Tuesday.  Please read over the expectations so that you and your child are prepared for the following week.  (It is not too bad.)  The students will be recording their homework in a yellow notebook (formally the Social Studies notebook) every evening.  The first "word sort" will come home with your child next Monday, September 10th and the first spelling test will be on that Friday, September 14th.

Math:  This week we will be working on place value up to the hundred's place.  I will be also be introducing the place value blocks as an extra visual aid.
We have been practicing our math addition facts as well.  The students test each other every morning after they have completed their morning math work.  Please encourage your child to practice at home as well.  Fluency is the key!
There will be a math worksheet each night covering/reviewing what we have discussed in class.

Reading: I will be sending home a new reading log this week.  It is a simpler version.  I really want the children to be reading orally every night for at least 20 minutes.  I am not requiring a summary.

Your child will have a small manila envelop in their homework folder on Tuesday.  It contains a brief bi-weekly report of his/her progress thus far.  Also, the folder will contain some graded work.  Please review this work, correct it if applicable, sign and send back in to school.  Also, please note where your child might be struggling so you may aid them in these areas.


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