Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 14 - 17

Can you believe it is January?  I am fully content with the weather.  My only hope is that it will stay - which is wishful thinking.  I hope the weekend was restful as your family enjoyed the outdoors.
This week is short.  Friday will be off for students since the teachers have a workday to finish up our grades.  We also have Monday off to celebrate one of our great American Heroes - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We will return to school Tuesday, January 22.
Report cards will go home that week as well.

This week in. . .
We will have our second week back for Word Their Way.  I was very pleased with the students' homework last week.  ALL of the sentences written on Thursday were written neatly and most were quite interesting to read.  GREAT JOB!
Despite our shortened week, we will have a spelling test on Thursday.

This week I set aside time to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We will read about his life and create a timeline sequencing his achievements.  I also plan to educate the children about the changes he helped our nation make.  This will include video segments in addition to the reading.  It will be a great week to discuss positive character traits that such people as MLK possessed.
There will not be a test this Friday in reading.
Civil Rights     Segregation     African American     Character     Non-Violent Protest     Speech

This week we will do a combination of story problems as well as addition with regrouping.  Homework will reflect these academic topics.  There will be a short quiz on Thursday covering two digit addition with regrouping.

We will be completing our unit on Government this week.  It has been fun and very educational!  Thanks for sending in the receipts.  I think the students learned a bit more last week about how taxes "should" work.

This week in small groups we will read about the Highs and Lows of Sound ie. - PITCH.  Monday/Tuesday the students will be asked to make a "homemade" instrument.  This is NOT a project - just a simple experiment for the students to explore sound vibrations and pitch.  Wednesday/Thursday we will explore how oscilloscopes creates images of sound vibrations.  

That about sums up our week.  

Final Notes:
The bi-weekly report will be sent home Monday.  Please review your child's report, sign, and send it back in.


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