Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 28 - February 1

What an exciting end to the day on Friday.  One moment I was in a parent meeting and the next moment it was announced that the children were to leave in five minutes!  The storm certainly moved in quickly.  I truly hope everyone stayed safe.  My boys were thrilled with the ice and made improvised sleds out of plastic bin tops.  They had a hoot sliding down the hill.  It wasn't snow, but it was fun!  (Better yet - it melted in a day!

This week's happenings. . .

I am excited to say that all students passed the three digit addition with regrouping test.  Way to go!  Now we are on to a bit trickier concept - BORROWING!!!
This week we will learn how to borrow from the tens if needed.  Often students get mixed up and carry or they borrow when it is not even necessary.  I use this lingo:
If you see your child confused - try to remind them of this lingo - and remind them that they are borrowing a ten!
Quiz on Friday!

This week we will revisit our basil readers and read a fun fiction story about a science fair.  It's title is PEARL AND WAGNER.  I think the students are ready to read something a bit more light.  
We will also learn more about AUTHOR'S PURPOSE as well as move into looking at VERBS for grammar.

**Next week we will begin our study of various African Americans as we celebrate Black History Month.

Small Groups:
This week we will bring our SOUND UNIT to a closure.  There will not be a large test.  I will simply grade the students nightly work (questions sent home) as well as grade the EAR DIAGRAM project which is due Monday, February 4th.  Mrs. Sheppard from the finance office will be coming into our room Friday to teach us some sign language skills as a closure to our SOUND unit.

We will also be viewing
 a movie about Helen Keller on Monday.

Unless a student is really eager to take last weeks test, we will move on to the next sort.

This week we will begin a unit on studying the past and exploring how things have changed.  This unit will last a few weeks.  It will tie in nicely with our study of time lines and our wax museum which will be in March.  Encourage your child to look at old family photos if you have them at home.  Living in the past is never a good idea, but learning from the past is important.  


Awards day is this Friday, February 1st.  The time has not been posted, but I think our time will be 11:00 AM.  As last time, you are welcome to take your child home.  I have "learned from my past" experience and know not to plan a large test etc.  So you are free to make the choice whether or not to take your child or let the stay with me.

The $8.50 is due this week!  Please don't forget to send it in.  The field trip is February 14th in the morning.  It promises to be a great day since we will have a small Valentine's Day celebration in the afternoon.

I thinks that sums up our week.
NOTE:  If you would like to meet with me concerning your child's academics, please indicate on the report card envelope that you return on Monday.

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