Monday, February 18, 2013

February 19-22

School Auction

I sent a letter home explaining the school auction.  IF YOU CAN, please donate items that go along with the following theme:
Your theme is Family day out. Item suggestions to include were gas cards, picnic basket or items for a picnic, park tickets, bowling, ice skating, anything you could do together as a family.
We will also be in need of a picnic basket.
Also, I am in need of a parent that would be willing to organize the donations.  Let me know if this sounds like something you might want to do.

Back to academic business. . .

What's happening this week!

This week we will concentrate on articles about MARS.  The students will read TIME MAGAZINE and be asked to analyze and answer various non-fiction text questions.  We will also view some video footage about the planet MARS.


This week we will continue our Bag Books.  Each night read the book over with your child.  Some are a bit difficult, so be willing to tag-team read and discuss the topics.  There will be a homework assignment that goes along with each Bag Book.  These are not due until Friday. Your child may complete the  worksheet on the best night for him/her. 
There will be a quiz on the bag book on Friday.

Since we have "conquered" telling time to the closest 5 minute mark, I thought it would be beneficial to review time but take it to a deeper level.  We will be exploring how to tell time to the exact minute this week.  We also will be reviewing subtraction with borrowing.  I think we all need to keep this relatively new concept fresh in our minds.
There will be a short quiz on Friday on telling time to the minute as well as subtraction with borrowing.

We will finish up our social studies unit on HISTORY - the PAST this week.
On Thursday we will begin to work on a unit review in school that will be due on Friday.

Words Their Way
Test on Friday

Our class will have a Famous American Wax Museum exhibition that will come to life on Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 @1:30 PM. To prepare for the Wax Museum exhibition, each student must research and write a short speech about a Famous American.  Also, each student must dress as the Famous American that they will portray.  (Costumes may be brought to school and changed into at the appropriate time.)  All parents are invited to come and visit the Famous American Wax Museum on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30.  Please come and bring plenty of coins (or dollars) to activate each of the famous American wax figures.  All proceeds will benefit the May field trip fund and other second grade activities for this year.  You don’t want to miss this spectacular event!

Speech requirements…

Each student must prepare an 8 to 10 sentence speech.  It should begin with who you are, where and when you were born.  Then you should tell why you are famous and how you changed things in America.  The last part of your speech should explain what you are doing now (if your Famous American is still alive) or when you died.  Speeches need to be typed and students MUST be able to easily recite or read the speech.  Please write some information about your child’s Famous American down and send it in by February 19th. A graphic organizer has been provided for you. We will take the information you provide and work on writing some of their speech in class. 
Please begin preparing your child’s costume. Once the speeches are finished a copy will be sent home. Your child will need to practice their speech each night in order to memorize them before the Famous American Wax Museum on Wednesday, March 27th, 2013. Have fun and be prepared to share with many museum visitors!

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