Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 25 - March 1


What's Happening this Week?

I've decided the students need a break from non-fiction texts.  Thus, we will be venturing on a fictional journey as we take the next couple of weeks to read . . .
FRECKLE JUICE by Judy Blume.
This week we will do some predicting, vocabulary work and reading of the first chapters of this fun story.  Students will need to read and answer questions on Tuesday and Wednesday evening this week.
FACT VS. OPINION will also be another topic we will explore this week.

This week we will continue to read our bag books.  Students should read these books at least three times during the week.  This will help them prepare for the Friday QUIZ.  Worksheets that go along with the bag books are due every Friday.  The student may choose when during the week he/she would like to complete the work.

Since Friday was a bit turned around, we postponed our quiz on time to the minute as well as subtraction by regrouping until Monday.
The rest of the week we will look into story problems as well as missing addends.
There will be a quiz on missing addends on Friday.

For the next few weeks we will build upon what we learned in our in-house field trip on Matter.
We have officially completed our unit on the PAST and will now focus on our Wax Museum speeches.  This is what I have decided concerning the speeches. . .

 has done a tremendous amount of research for this project.  I am so proud of the students!  
YET, we do need to simplify the research so that we can write a speech that is manageable to "memorize."
SO, I have decided to send the research back home.  This week discuss with your child the most important information from each category.  The students have already highlighted the sentences he/she found most important.  Help your child choose two sentences from each category and formulate into a manageable speech.  Make certain to begin the speech with an introduction as to who you are and the date you were born.  Make certain to end the speech with your date of death (if deceased) and what for what you are most remembered.  The speech should be only 8-10 sentences.  Please type the speech (double spaced) in a font that is big enough so that it can be easily read.
The title of the speech should be the person researched.
Please save a copy somewhere on your computer just in case.  Send in the typed speech by next Monday, March 4th.  From that point we will practice here at school and you can practice at home as well.
ALSO - save all the research.  We may decorate a poster board for a back drop.  Any research used or not used can be placed on the poster board.
Be thinking of the items to bring and a costume to wear on this day.

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