Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 22 - 26

In celebration of Earth Day this Monday we will have the opportunity to learn more about our special place we call home - Earth.  The PTO will have a presentation in the afternoon.

This week in our 2nd grade class. . .

This week we will recognize and draw shapes having specific attributes such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.  We will identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes.
Math will run a bit differently this week just as geometry runs its own unique course in math.  We will be observing and creating various shapes in our classroom.  Geometry deals with a lot of definitions and rules.  This week we will learn these definitions and rules preparing ourselves for future more in depth geometric studies.

This week we will begin to look into fairy tales and the various literature attributes of fairy tales.  We will start the week slowly since Monday is Earth Day.  Each day we will read a fairy tale and identify literature elements in each story. 


We will return to our bag books this week.  I realize some of this literature is tough, but encourage your child to push on.  Each child has been stepping up to the plate as the text continue to be challenging.  Each week the cumulative test score have been improving.  I am proud of all the efforts the students are putting forth.

We will continue our unit on Multicultural traditions.  Remember that the project is due Next Monday.
Due Monday, April 30th
For the past week and for the next two weeks we will be studying multicultural literature in our reading block.  Last week we enjoyed the Anansi Fables from West Africa.  This week we will study various Aesop Fables and next week we will enjoy various versions of Cinderella from diverse countries around the world.  In addition, we are reading about how the cultures of the world have touched our country in many ways – one being literature.
The students will be required to participate by completing the following project at home.  It is due Monday, April 30th.
1.      Choose a country. (Students MAY NOT choose the US). Complete the country report using the Internet or the library for a resource.  Students may print maps/flags or they may draw these items.  All research should be recorded neatly onto the given worksheets.
2.      Make a “paper doll that represents a specific people group from the chosen country.  The doll should be a larger paper doll measuring at least 8 ½ inches by 11 inches but no larger than ½ a poster board size. The doll should be decorated with clothes that represent its country.  Students may use cloth, yarn, markers, crayons etc.  Be creative, but make certain the doll accurately represents the people of its country.
3.      Chose one piece of literature (story/book) that is famous from the country.  Create a book to glue onto the paper doll’s hand.  The book should have its title written neatly so that people will be able to read the words and understand that it is a piece of literature that originally comes from that country.  Ex.  Germany – Hansel and Gretel    England – Harry Potter     Ghana – Anansi Stories     Jamaica – Anansi and the Pig  etc. . .   You may need to do a bit of research. The Internet has many websites that will aid your research and choice of country.
4.      Bring Research Worksheets and Paper doll on Monday, April 30th.  Work ahead of the due date to ensure the project is done well.
QUESTIONS???  E-mail me at

We still have plump tad poles in our room.  Nothing much has happened yet except they all have grown quite round.  I am hoping we will begin to see some legs soon.
Our caterpillars should arrive this week.  This is my first time using caterpillars, so I am a bit nervous, but also excited.

Field Trip to Science Museum is coming up soon.  Make certain you return the attached form so that we know whether or not you are able to transport your child there.  The note had the entire day's schedule for your convenience.  My only suggestion is that you leave early so that you and your child can stop at Crispy Cream on the way.  (That is our family tradition.)  Let me know if you have any questions concerning the trip.

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