Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 29 - May 3

What's Happening This week. . .

WOW!  Can you believe this week is the beginning of May?  The year has flown by and the children have grown by leaps and bounds.  It's interesting how at the beginning of the year a teacher can be overwhelmed with the task ahead as he/she looks out at her little "projects".  Yet, at this point of the year a teacher tends to sit back a bit and enjoy the fruit of his/her toil.  I am at that point now.  I enjoy continuing a morning task while one of my students takes control of our morning meeting. I enjoy loosely leading a paideia discussion while all of the students participate eagerly.  That is what teaching is - instructing, but handing over the reigns to the student as the student becomes more and more independent. (Isn't that parenting as well. . .)

The field trip is on next Tuesday, May 7th.  You need to provide your own transportation.  Please simply meet at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences' courtyard @ 9:30 AM.  There are many parking options.  I suggest you take a minute to look up the website on line for specific directions and parking options.
Our class will sign in @ 10:00 AM and then you will be able to roam the museum for about 2 hours.  At 11:45 we will rendezvous on the 3rd floor where our life cycle curiosity class will take place. (About 45 minutes)  Then we will join the rest of 2nd grade in the courtyard of the museum where we will eat our bagged lunch.  At this point we will pass out goody bags filled with small souvenirs.  After lunch the you are free to explore more of the museum.  The teachers will leave the museum at 2:00 to head back to NCS. 


We will continue to look at various fairy tales identifying the common elements of fairy tales in each story.  Monday we will specifically read Cinderella and compare the European version to a Korean version using a Venn Diagram.  On Tuesday the students will begin brainstorming story elements for their own fairy tale.  Wednesday the students will begin composing their fairy tale.

Bag Books:
This weeks bag books will revolve around insects and amphibians.  There will be a test on Friday.  However, there will not be a worksheet this week.  Please make certain the students read their book at least 2X's at home.

Monday we will review geometry and take a short quiz.  Tuesday we will begin fractions.


This week we will move back into science and focus on life cycles.  Our room is becoming one big life cycle science lab.  Presently we have tadpoles that are turning into froglets.  We have caterpillars which have begun to make chrysalises. AND, at the end of May we will have fertilized eggs from the Johnston County Agricultural Center! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at:

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